What are Bach Flowers?
What are Bach Flowers?
The original Bach Flower Remedies is a safe and natural method of healing discovered by Dr. Bach from 1920 – 1930’s in England. They are prepared by infusing the energy of the actual plant material into pure spring water. There are 38 plant and flower based, remedies that can help you manage the emotional demands of everyday life. Each remedy aids a specific emotion, and works in harmony with essential oils, herbs, homeopathy and medications and are safe for everyone, including children, pets, the elderly and even plants.
They gently restore the balance between mind and body by casting out negative emotions such as fear, worry, hatred and indecision which interfere with the equilibrium of the being, as a whole. The Bach Flower Remedies allow peace and happiness to return to the sufferer so that the body is free to heal itself.
Rescue Remedy:
Has been traditionally used to relieve sleeplessness associated with recurring and worrying thoughts. Assists with relief from anxiety, nervous tension, stress, agitation or despair and provides a sense of focus and calm.
Is the remedy for known fears. Whenever you are frightened or anxious about something, and you can say what that 'something' is, then Mimulus is the remedy to take.
Mimulus is used as a type or personality remedy for those of us who tend generally to be nervous, timid and shy. We might blush easily or stammer, and will usually avoid social occasions and any event where we will be in the limelight.
Mimulus brings out the quiet courage and strength that lies hidden in all of us, so that we can face the everyday trials of life without fear.
White Chestnut:
The remedy for unwanted thoughts and mental arguments that intrude into the mind and stop us concentrating.
White Chestnut thoughts are often described as 'worrying' - but they are not necessarily anxious or fearful, more repetitive. They worry at us like a dog worries a bone. White Chestnut thoughts go nowhere. They circle round and round in the head like a looped recording.
The remedy helps us think straight. We can deal calmly and rationally with any underlying problems that might be causing the trouble.
The remedy for uncertainty.
The main problem with Gorse people is a loss of faith: if we can be persuaded to see things in a different light there is usually a way forward. This is what the Gorse remedy helps to achieve.
For those who act and think quickly, and have no patience for what they see as the slowness of others. They often prefer to work alone. Teaches empathy and understanding of and patience with others. We’ve found it very fast-acting in alleviating an impatient attitude and lowering stress.
Star of Bethlehem:
For trauma and shock, whether experienced recently or in the past. Teaches the ability to recover from traumas and to integrate them into the present life.
Cherry Plum:
For those who fear losing control of their thoughts and actions and doing things they know are bad for them or which they consider wrong. Teaches trust in one’s spontaneous wisdom and the courage to follow one’s path.
Rock Rose:
For situations in which one experiences panic or terror.
For those who find their lives unhappy and withdraw into fantasy worlds. They are ungrounded and indifferent to the details of everyday life. Teaches one to establish a bridge between the physical world and the world of ideas; may foster great creativity. Is also used to bring clarity and alertness to the present moment.